Thursday, November 30, 2017

Blog Stage 5

To kneel or not to kneel, this has become a major topic for many people all over the country to debate.On September 24th 2017 President Trump made harsh comments about NFL players by saying "Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b---- off the field right now. Out. He's fired. He's fired!".  Players from the NFL have been rehearsing their right to protest recently in order to shine light on police brutality towards people of color. Many people get angry over the subject, while others applaud it. I personally believe that at the end of the day it is written in our constitution and it is our right to peaceful protest. No matter what background one has and whether one is upset about it can take that away. For our president to simply ask to have someone fired for practicing their rights is just simply wrong. These players have received threats from their organizations, their fans, and even their president. This goes to show just how one-sided people are about the constitution. The president only brings up the constitution when it is to benefit him but not when it is for the good of others. I believe that everyone has their right to agree or disagree but considering our commander in chief is so close minded about the topic goes to show what views his administration has and it casts a dark shadow over the country we live in.


  1. In Eduardo Lara’s “Blog Stage 5” he discusses the recent media attention surrounding the current backlash NFL players who have taken a knee during the national anthem have received. Citizens and even Donald Trump have taken to social media to share their outrage about the so called grievous disgrace the players who participated showed towards the nation. He goes on to discuss how these players have received threats from their organizations, their fans, and even their president. I agree with his belief that these player, who are simply expressing their freedom of expression, are being wrongfully mistreated.
    By choosing to kneel during the anthem these players are not disrespecting the United States, rather they are simply choosing to express their respect in a different manner, while making a statement about the current status of our nation. This right is protected under the first amendment which guarantees our freedom of religion and speech. This freedom has been protected time and time again allowing protests at funerals and flag burnings so there is no reason the first amendment shouldn’t not apply in this instance. While it may be considered rude by some, by kneeling during the anthem NFL players are exercising their fully protected freedom of speech in a respectful manner that still displays dignity for our country. We already live in a time where the ritual of strong national pride is beginning to disintegrate and for these players to receive such negative and outlandish feedback, when students across America twiddle away on their phones and talk among peers as the pledge of allegiance is recited, is extremely unjust and hypocritical.

  2. Article by Eduardo Lara, mentions the importance to exercise our 1st amendment. On September of this year, president Donald Trump takes it to the extreme to show how discontent he is about NFL players taking a knee as a symbol of a peaceful protest. During this period players took a knee to protest police brutality in the African American communities. As Lara mentions in the article, “These players have received threats from their organizations, their fans, and even their president”. Anyone and everyone have the right to take action against things that they don’t agree with. The president made harsh remarks to point out that they are disrespecting the American flag; he also said that he would like to see the protesting players to be fired. The president should not be making comments like that; he should be applauding them for exercising their right to be heard. There are other important issues in the world right now and he should have that kind of attention towards progressing America forward.
