Thursday, November 30, 2017

Blog Stage 5

To kneel or not to kneel, this has become a major topic for many people all over the country to debate.On September 24th 2017 President Trump made harsh comments about NFL players by saying "Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b---- off the field right now. Out. He's fired. He's fired!".  Players from the NFL have been rehearsing their right to protest recently in order to shine light on police brutality towards people of color. Many people get angry over the subject, while others applaud it. I personally believe that at the end of the day it is written in our constitution and it is our right to peaceful protest. No matter what background one has and whether one is upset about it can take that away. For our president to simply ask to have someone fired for practicing their rights is just simply wrong. These players have received threats from their organizations, their fans, and even their president. This goes to show just how one-sided people are about the constitution. The president only brings up the constitution when it is to benefit him but not when it is for the good of others. I believe that everyone has their right to agree or disagree but considering our commander in chief is so close minded about the topic goes to show what views his administration has and it casts a dark shadow over the country we live in.

Blog Stage 7

During the time of Donald Trump's presidency he has made lots of changes that people disagree with. One of the biggest changes that I disagree with was the ending of DACA. A program that gives undocumented immigrants that were brought here as children an opportunity for an education.The President feels as though he needs to destroy everything that our Former President Barack Obama created. Even though the program has not officially ended; he has taken it upon himself to add an expiration date. I have met many people in my life who have benefited from the Dream Act, and were given opportunities that they had always hoped to have. On November 28th 2017, The LA Times wrote an article called 'I don't see a deal!' Trump changes tone on working with 'Chuck and Nancy' on immigration, taxes  in which Mr. Trump speaks about immigrants in a way that  that showcases them all as criminals by tweeting "Meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” today about keeping government open and working. Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes." It is as though he considers all immigrants as pests by using the word "flooding". I personally believe that a country without immigrants is a country without an opportunity for growth. There is many gifted people from all over the world that would love to benefit from this great country and give back for what they have received. Ending the Dream Act would only seal the door shut to an already slim opening.