Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Blog Stage 8

In the blog US Gov it talks about people feeling safer to address sexual harassment due to the rise of allegations in Hollywood stars and politicians. I have to agree with this opinion because it is giving people the courage they didn't have before. The people who have been through this type of conduct are feeling safer to speak up because they are not alone. It is shining a light on a topic that no one wants to speak of, and forcing companies and people to take action. Seeing big name stars and politicians lose their jobs over harassment is showing the country just how serious sexual harassment should be taken. There is a movement starting and I feel like its only going to get better for victims. I feel that the country will implement new laws with better protection and will begin to focus not only on treatment but on prevention. At the end of the day seeing people lose their jobs and reputations over mistakes they made seems like its enough but its not. These victims wish they could erase those moments from their lives but they can't, so hopefully this movement can reduce the number of people affected by this every day.

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